Business Banking

Customized Business Solutions

Business Banking

Customized Business Solutions

You’ll need to sleep once in a while, but your money shouldn’t.

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  • Keep your money working 24/7 with automatic movement of funds.
  • Maintain target balances.
  • Maximize investment income.
  • Reduce borrowing expenses.
  • Reduce overdrafts and service charges.

Target Balance Account

Consolidate your funds into one Master Account while maintaining multiple disbursement/receivable accounts.

  • Establish a general operating account (Master Account).
  • Set a target balance (or zero balance) for your disbursement/receivable accounts.
  • Funds are automatically moved to/from the Master Account to maintain your established target balances at the end of each day.

Line of Credit Sweep

Use excess funds in your business checking to make payments on your line of credit. Line of credit funds will transfer into your business checking to help you maintain your target balance.

  • A target balance is set for your checking account.
  • The sweep replenishes your business checking account or pays down your line of credit based on this target balance.
  • Transactions can be monitored through Business Online Banking, statements, or imaging.

Meet your Banking Team

Not only are we your banker but we’re also your neighbor. We’re the little league coach and local chamber ambassador.
Our families enjoy the community events right along with you. We are passionate about helping you achieve your financial dreams.

Meet our Bankers

Let's Talk

Have questions or want to take the next step in your banking journey? We can help!

Client Support:
800-590-9920 (Ext. 22030)
715-836-9999 (Ext. 22030)

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